With our corporate guidelines, we have established important framework conditions for our daily work and strategic development. It is important for us to present these guidelines transparently to customers, employees, suppliers and all other stakeholders and to fill them with life. A certified Integrated Management System (IMS) is a suitable instrument for this.
After MUGLER SE had already introduced, certified and maintained a quality management system according to DIN ISO 9001 since 2000, the joint High Level Structure of several management systems now offers us the possibility of an integrative implementation of quality, environment, energy, occupational health and safety. This makes it even easier to ensure the quality of services and products, including all compliance. For this reason, MUGLER SE installed an Integrated Management System (IMS) in 2019. The IMS has been certified by ÖHMI EuroCert GmbH since 2020.
The Integrated Management System helps us to get a little better every day so that we can continue to meet or even exceed the expectations of our stakeholders in the future.